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Where ever you are on your journey, you are welcome. The Jesus movement is for old and young, wealthy and poor, immigrants and native-born, LGBT and straight, English speaker or not.
Do you feel that you do not belong? In the Jesus Movement everyone belongs. We’re following Jesus into loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, with each other and with the earth.
Hatred and violence towards others has no place in the Christian life. If you feel marginalized you are not alone and we offer you a space where you can feel you belong.
Links to sermons may be found on the "Diving Deeper" tab.
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Events at Trinity Episcopal Church, where everyone is welcome!
Contact Us
Trinity Episcopal Church
Denison, Iowa 51442
Trinity Episcopal Church
1802 4th Ave S
US Highway 30 East
Denison, IA 51442
David Marc Tan Creti
Church email:
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